Ken Schneider’s ‘Havana Curveball’ still a hit with fans The inaugural Hot Stove Movie and Music Festival is dedicated to the concept that baseball in spring, summer and fall isn’t enough. […] it will close out the Hot Stove festival Feb. 8 at San Francisco’s Vogue Theater, then play four more days there. Jarmel-Schneider, 19, is otherwise engaged as a freshman at Tufts University in Boston, but Schneider, 51, will appear at 5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 8, in conversation with KNBR baseball voice Marty Lurie, plus a special guest. Just in from a festival in Miami, Ken Schneider had barely unpacked when he sat down to talk baseball and Cuba in the parlor of his 1908 Edwardian in the Richmond District. What does a hot stove have to do with baseball? For baseball fans, the “hot stove” is this interim period between seasons. […] right before spring training starts, there is going to be a run of baseball films at the Vogue, and our film is closing it out. […] the special attraction is that if you come to that screening, you can have your picture taken with the Giants’ World Series trophy. Give me a two-line trailer for your film? A coming-of-age story about baseball, bagels and Cuba.
