Beauty science keeps getting more and more impressive, and these findings lead the way to new and exciting aesthetic treatments.

Take, for example, fibroblasts. These skin care players are a type of cell found in your body that helps to make a framework of your connective tissue. These cells are essential for healing wounds and producing the protein known as collagen, the amazing component that gives your skin its structure and foundation. As we age, however, our fibroblasts start churning out less and less collagen.

According to research, after the age of 20, the dermis layer produces one percent less collagen each year. That means sagging, thinning skin and wrinkles begin appearing. Sun damage also plays a role in reducing the fibroblasts’ skin cell renewal process.

A new aesthetic treatment called fibroblasting has become quite the buzz across social media. The non-surgical procedure uses a handheld device (Plasma Pen) that leaves behind a temporary Mehndi-like (henna) design on the face and neck after the treatment.

The Plasma Pen is an FDA-approved device developed to perform fibroblast therapy for the production of new collagen. The technology is designed to shrink, tighten and firm the facial contours. The treatment is safe and non-invasive and comes with only a few days of downtime. Also, no anesthetic is required during the procedure, and there is no cutting of the skin or stitches or scars.

Best of all, fibroblasting can deliver long-lasting results of two to three years.

The special pen should only be used by a skilled aesthetic professional and not purchased for at-home rejuvenation. The procedure sounds like a microneedling treatment but is actually quite different.

The Plasma Pen emits electrostatic energy delivered through its tiny applicator tip. These energy impulses discharge pinpoint flashes of plasma in millisecond bursts. The action triggers the body’s natural healing deep in the epidermal and dermal layers.

As the weeks go on, your body will begin creating fresh collagen and elastin for tighter, firmer skin. Some clients have more than one fibroblasting session to reach their desired results.

The device can be used on any area of the body (stretch marks), but it’s most popular for rejuvenating the face and neck. The Plasma Pen can improve crow’s feet around the eyes, tighten the jowls along the jawline, treat forehead lines, marionette lines, smoker’s lines, smile lines and improve the upper and lower eyelids.

The procedure can also improve mild acne scarring.

Post-treatment, the client may notice mild swelling, redness, skin crusting and flaking over the next few days. Recovery, however, is quick, and in the next several weeks, the face glows, gets firm and plumped with natural volume.

Your skilled aesthetic provider can determine if you’re a good candidate for fibroblasting. The treatment offers best results for those with very fair to medium skin tones. Darker skin tones may not be a good match for the Plasma Pen.

The procedure is convenient and can take 30 minutes to one hour depending on the treatment areas selected.

Dr. Anna Sottile is the founder of the Aesthetic Medicine Institute of Miami, a practice that focuses on skin rejuvenation, facial Injectables and body contouring. She brings to her practice over 30 years of medical experience encompassing all leading injectables and neurotoxins ( better known as “ Botox”) hyaluronic acid ( known as “ fillers”), and body countering ( as Coolsculpting), as well as pain management.

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