"evernotelogo"Evernote is a web-based application for taking notes.  It’s available on the Internet, as well as your iPhone, iPad, & Android appliances.  The beauty of Evernote is its ability to share notes across different platforms & appliances.

In one of my mentor’s words, Michael Hyatt’s, "It’s the software that turns your computer into a digital brain. It allows you to remember everything. Literally."

A great example would be, if you’re in a board meeting, you can take notes using Evernote.  Then when you arrive to your office, you can login in to evernote.com and your board meeting notes are instantly accessible. Not only can you record notes (which is a great tool for meeting minutes), but you can also save video, copy graphic files, etc.

Some additional cool features:

Archival History of Notes:  Ever wished you could access a note you wrote 3 days ago? Now with versioning enabled, you can.

Drag & Drop: Drag any note to your desktop, email, etc.

Capture ANYTHING: Save all of your ideas, big or small.  Make note of things you plan to do, ideas you want to implement, etc.  The possibilities are endless.

Web Clips:  A neat feature where you can grab any web page and copy it to Evernote.

On the Fly:  Record your ideas and tips while you’re out and about.

Save in Folders:  Great for organizing all of your bright ideas.

For additional information, installation, or training, feel free to call me at 305-Computers!